
How Often to Use Standing Desk?


Dual motor standing desk

Dual Motor Standing Desk

Given that everyone's physiology is different, the exact right ratio of sitting to standing will differ from person to person. Many ergonomic experts recommend standing about 5-15 minutes out of every hour when using a standing desk, although research is ongoing. One study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine recommends that it's ideal to move, stand, and take breaks from sitting for a total of at least 2 hours in an 8 hour work day. And working up to standing, walking, and moving for half of an 8 hour work day may increase the benefits.

Remember that standing time includes other movement during the day as well – trips to the coffee pot or the lunch table, a walk around the office or the house, a brief stretching break. All that counts as standing too. A standing desk just makes it easier to meet your overall goal.

The bigger question may be this: How often should you stand with a standing desk? Since frequent changes in position provide the most benefit, experts recommend alternating between sitting and standing every 30 minutes or so.


How to make a smooth transition to standing?

You've already learned that it's best to incorporate a mix of standing and sitting into your workday. If you want to set yourself up for sit-and-stand desk success, keep the following guidelines in mind.


Ease in

Start by standing for intervals of just 15 to 30 minutes, once or twice throughout the day. If that feels fine, add 10 minutes and/or additional intervals until you're sitting and standing close to equal amounts   (perhaps even up to a 3:1 ratio of standing to sitting if your body can tolerate it). The goal should not be to stand all day, as too much standing can cause varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, and other issues. If standing causes pain in your legs or back, reduce your standing time.

Think of it like training for a marathon—your body needs time to build up to hours of a new activity, so allow yourself plenty of time to get in standing shape. And remember, adding any amount of standing to your day is a step in the right direction.


ㆍSet a timer

A timer can help you remember to sit and stand, and it can also be a great reminder to move around on a regular basis. Set a timer to go off every half hour. Whether you've been sitting or standing, walk around for a few minutes.

Also, take some time to stretch your arms, legs, neck, hands, and fingers during the day to help you avoid discomfort and injury. Regular stretch breaks may help keep you from sliding into a slouchy posture due to fatigue.

WEWORTH Dual Motor Standing Desk

WEWORTH Dual Motor Standing Desk


ㆍUse a floor mat

One small study showed that anti-fatigue floor mats significantly reduce lower back pain for standing desk users. Let's be real—anyone who's had to stand in one spot for any significant period of time will attest to the fact that having a softer surface feels better on the body than standing on a rock-hard floor.


ㆍPerfect your posture

Take care to stand in an ergonomic standing posture using guidelines from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Consider consulting with a physical therapist or an ergonomics expert to make sure your desk is set up properly. Don't forget that you'll still need to have a setup that supports good sitting posture to help you avoid slouching, which puts stress on the lower back.


ㆍWear proper shoes

Heels or slick loafers may look amazing with your outfit, but they aren't a great choice for standing at your desk while working. Consider keeping a pair of shoes with solid arch support on standby so you can slip into them when you raise your desk up. They can still be cute. But they should be relatively flat so your body can remain properly aligned.



A standing desk can be a great addition to your office. It can truly improve your workday, every day, by helping you feel healthier and be more productive.

The best standing desk for you will depend on your circumstances. Ease the transition to standing work by gradually adding standing time and using helpful accessories, such as an anti-fatigue floor mat. These simple practices will make a big difference in ensuring your standing workspace improves your workday. We are a dual motor standing desk supplier. If you are interested in our products, please contact us now!